mans evolution

Evolution of Man. Image courtesy of Eugene Zhyvchik, @eugenezhyvchik, Unsplash.

Welcome to my history website. It’s probably best to consider it as an alternative look at History. Many historical periods and events will be re appraised. The timeline is unlimited, and not restricted to Modern History. The intent is to provide, or at least suggest and consider, answers to some mysteries out there. So let’s start:

Why did mastodons go extinct?

A whole range of creatures vanished from the face of the earth between twelve to thirteen thousand years ago. Guanacos, mammoths, sabre tooth tigers, giant sloths – what happened to them? Mainstream sources would have you believe they were hunted to extinction. If that is the case, this is just one of several amazing achievements by the simple Clovis hunters that were around, back then. We all know that a cataclysmic event – an asteroid hitting the Earth – wiped out the dinosaurs. Is it not entirely possible that a cataclysm, for example at the end of the last Ice Age, similarly wiped out the mastodons?

Was there a cataclysm

The last Ice Age ended approximately 12,800 years ago. Was this a cataclysmic event? If you continue reading on this site, presumably you consider this to be a reasonable question. Someone who has considered this possibility at length is author Graham Hancock. He has this to say: “Scholars who attempt to investigate the possibility of a past cataclysm often find themselves in the crosshairs of very vicious attacks from their colleagues”….also

“The mainstream for some reason …doesn’t like cataclysmic events, it doesn’t want to think that cataclysms have played a role in the human story, so seeking for a way to explain the disappearance of the megafauna, the natural option from mainstream archaeologists is to say ‘Oh that was human hunting that did it.’ Suddenly we’re required to picture a group of hunter-gatherers who are so incredibly efficient and so ruthless that they wipe out the entire megafauna of, for example, North America, in a matter of months.”    

He postulates that a comet impact melted ice sheets, causing flooding in North America,

This resulted in the extinction of megafauna, as well as having many other consequences.

Graham Hancock

mans evolution
By [Cpt.Muji] - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikim

Wikipedia refers to Mr Hancock thus: “He is known for his pseudoscientific theories involving ancient civilisations.”

Mr Hancock, and many others like him,  are very welcome on this site and I shall refer to him on other occasions. He states: “History is based primarily upon written documents and prehistory you’re dealing with objects, artefacts that are dug up bout of the ground.” So let’s start at the beginning



Phanerozoic Eon

Phanerozoic Eon is the current geologic eon, spanning from 541 million years ago to the present day. It consists of three Eras. These are :

Paleozoic Era

541 to 252 million years ago.

Ancestors of conifers. Dragonflies. Tetrapods. Marine reptiles. Archosaurs.

Acanthostega – a Tetrapod, 365 million years ago.

Mesozoic Era

252 to 66 million years ago.

Conifers and reptiles, including dinosaurs.

Image: Stephen Leonardi, Unsplash.

Cenozoic Era

66 million years ago to present day. Cenozoic is Greek for new life/ recent life. Extinction of non avian dinosaurs. Emergence of Man.

pre history

Image by tony241969 from Pixabay.

mans evolution
Lucy skeleton. image Tom Gray

Lucy is the name given to bones of a female hominin discovered in Afar, Ethiopia, in 1974. which date back 3.2 million years. She could be Man’s oldest discovered ancestor.

430 Thousand Years Ago


Neanderthal Man

This skull is one of 30 sets of remains found down a shaft in a pit, in a cave in the Atapuerca mountains in Spain.

Neanderthal man dates back over 400 thousand years.

These vast passages of time constitute pre – history. As such, it often gets found in archaeology and anthropology. As this is my website I grant myself artistic license to treat the subject of History as I see fit. Doing this allows me to cover a timespan of 550 million years, and to include data normally filed under Sociology, Anthropology, and Archaeology. So here goes:


History..  whose story? It has been said that History is written by the victors.

Here are some people that I have been inspired by:

A. Visiting Professor Lucy Worsley, OBE, Joint Chief Curator at Historic Royal Palaces . She is an historian, curator, and author. As a television presenter she has fronted many programmes. In 2015 the Royal Television Society nominated her for Best Presenter, and Best History Programme.  Three of her tv series were titled “British History’s Biggest Fibs with Lucy Worsley”. Another three: “American History’s  Biggest Fibs with Lucy Worsley”. The “Fibs” series opened with this statement :

” Lots of people remember their history lessons from school as dates and battles, kings and queens, facts and figures, but the story of our past is open to interpretation; and much of British history is a carefully edited, and even deceitful,  version of events. You might think that history is just a record of what happened. Actually it’s not like that at all. As soon as you do a little digging you discover thait it’s more like a tapestry of different stories woven together by whoever was in power at the time. In this series I’m going to debunk some of the biggest fibs in British history.”

B. (Sir) Tony Robinson: YouTube channel : Timeline – World History Documentaries    /  Title : The Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 – Part One (Medieval History Documentary) ] Timeline.  Url: .   

  One minute twenty seconds into the video Tony R says:

“The Peasant’s Revolt wasn’t a riot, it was a revolution.  Its’ impact was so shocking that historians from the ruling class deliberately hushed up its’ true significance. They hid the achievements of ordinary people by scorning them as rioting yokels. I WANT TO RESTORE THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO STOOD HERE TO THEIR RIGHTFUL PLACE IN HISTORY. I WANT TO BRING A WHOLE CAST OF UNKNOWN HEROES BLINKING INTO THE LIMELIGHT, AND WITH THE HELP OF EXPERTS I WANT TO SHOW HOW OPPRESSED PEOPLE ORGANISED, TO TRANSFORM THEIR WORLD: HOW BETRAYAL, AND TRAGEDY SHATTERED THAT WORLD. Uncovering the truth about the Peasants Revolt means embarking on an epic journey of discovery.”

Tony Robinson sees himself as an Essex boy, so he felt moved to make a documentary which showed truthful, valiant perspectives to Essex men from the past. 

C.  Professor David Olusoga. OBE. More on him later.



History..  whose story? Sam's story.

Western, and European History, tends to get categorized into three or four main divisions. Here we will go with the former:

Ancient / Medieval / Modern

There are a significant amount of qualified professionals who cannot accept various aspects of Ancient History. For instance they do not believe the pyramids all around the world were built by the indigenous tribes that we are told were responsible.
Instead they believe the pyramids, statues, and artefacts are thousands of years older. The problem is that this puts the artefacts back to at least the Bronze or Stone Age; periods where the very basic implements of the hunter-gatherers could in no way account for the edifices we find today.. In fact the problems and anomalies are far worse, as we shall see.

Here are some people I consider relevant to providing a revised history of life on Earth.

Albert Einstein

He is largely responsible for the world most people believe that they inhabit today, AND it's history.

Image courtesy

Nikola Tesla

Tesla died over 70 years ago, but his discoveries are still being put to use. He believed that alien beings have been here and controlling Man for millenia, and we are simply test subjects for an experiment.

quantum computer
Neils Bohr

Quantum computers are the most advanced today. They owe their existence to this person .

Gregory Hodowanec

Hodowanec is alive today. For decades, like Tesla, he states that he is in off- planet communication with aliens. .He also claims discovery of MONOPOLE GRAVITY WAVES which travel faster than the speed of light..


Albert Einstein is probably the world’s most famous scientist and the quintessential Establishment physicist. In the scientific world there are fresh discoveries and developments every year, but his  observations are expounded to this day, even though he died over 60 years ago. His theories on general, and special relativity are central tenets in the global belief system of what constitutes REALITY. This belief postulates that you, the reader, live in a physical world which exists outside of you. You experience this world via your five senses. It is a solid world, and you know this because you can feel the floor and the computer you are reading this on. Matter is composed of atoms. Atoms consist of various sub-atomic particles. These particles exist whether you observe them or not. You exist in linear time. He is lauded as a genius. In 1921 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.

Neil Bohrs Nitrogen atom

Neils Henrik David Bohr is in my opinion  Einstein’s  superior. Bohr discovered basic atomic structure: all physical matter is composed of atoms. Atoms consist of a central nucleus containing neutrons and protons, with electrons circling round the nucleus.  He fled Denmark for Sweden in 1943. From there he was smuggled into England in a British Mosquito Bomber plane. He became consultant to Tube Alloys directorate, an ultra classified collaboration between Britain and Canada to develop the atom bomb. The US government invited him onto Manhattan Project which was developing nuclear bombs. This he did at Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico, under the alias Nicholas Baker, from where he would communicate his progress directly to Churchill by letter. Einstein and Bohr were friends. They both won the Nobel Prize for Physics. Neils (Bohr) won it in 1922, a year after Albert (Einstein). A twist of fate meant Albert’s award was delayed, so they both got the exact same award in 1922.

REALITY - Exactly What Is Reality???

Argumentative Friends

They were friends as well as contemporaries, but they held diametrically opposed views and beliefs.  At the 1927 Solvay Conferences they had the Einstein-Bohr debates. Einstein pictured a predictable, stable and  orderly universe. At the sub atomic level, Bohr felt things were  unpredictable. Different experiments had shown that an electron sometimes behaved as a wave, at other times as a particle. Bohr postulated that the electron’s state was NEITHER.

Copenhagen Interpretation

 . It could actually be EITHER.  The electron’s nature can’t be empirically defined, and neither can it’s  position until a measurement or observation is made. What is observed is a function of the observer. There is no independent, definable position, seperate of, and outside the observer’s experience. Effectively things only become real when we look at, measure, or observe them. This became known as the Copenhagen Interpretation.

Quantum Mechanics

Bohr. ( along with Werner Heisenberg and others) had created Quantum Mechanics.

Bohr said :

” Anyone who isn’t shocked by quantum theory hasn’t understood it”


“Everything we call real is made up of things we cannot call real.”

No Reality

Professor Jim Al-Khalili said ” Bear in mind that electrons are amongst the commonest and most basic building blocks of reality, and yet here’s Bohr saying that only by looking do we actually conjure their position into existence. It’s like there’s a curtain between us and the quantum world, and behind it  there is no solid reality. Just the potential for reality. Things only become real when we pull back the curtain and look.”

If No Reality, What Is There??


Einstein completely rejected the Copenhagen Interpretation. Famously he responded :

“Does the moon cease to exist when I don’t look at it?”

For him it was a truism, absolutely obvious, that particles exist whether  we observe them or not. Bohr opposed this with his Complementarity Principle: there are interactions between particles and the instruments used to observe them. Another feature of Quantum mechanics was Entanglement. A definition from

“Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated.”


This is a History website, notwithstanding the fact that I have so far strayed into Archaeology, Anthropology, Physics, to name but a few disciplines recognised as being outside the field of ‘History’. (If enough interested parties contact me via this website then I will expand on, or provide links to a detailed breakdown on Entanglement.) For now, suffice it for me to outline a brief synopsis : Quantum Entanglement predicates for a situation where you have INSTANT communication between two particles, regardless of location. This means that if the distance between these particles were far enough apart, then if the communication was instant, it would be at a speed FASTER than the speed of light.  

Einstein refuted Entanglement. He dismissed it, labelling it “Spooky action at a distance.” It’s existence means that communications between particles occurs in laboratories around the world at speeds of 


This website is for those prepared to be shocked and who are curious as to what is going on, and what has gone on before in our world.


Creating Reality

John Stewart Bell supported Einstein initially. He set up experiments to prove who was correct, Einstein or Bohr. The winner was the latter. Bohr co founded CERN where  Bell also worked. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN has detected the “God Particle”, the Higgs boson. Polarising filters used in sunglasses and photography today, work using the findings of Bell’s Theorem.

A. One of my points is that most, if not all the scientists I focus on , plainly state that the universe does not work how you think it does, and reality is not what you believe it to be. In observing the world, you bring it into being.

Effectively you can and do create reality. Matter is composed of elements – things like Carbon and Nitrogen for example. Most people know that water is H2O  i.e Hydrogen and Oxygen. These are all elements that have been produced by Nature. 


Neils Bohr has had an element named after him – Bohrium – which is laboratory created. The Large Hadron Collider has created the Higgs boson. We are told that everything in creation came from The Big Bang. Well very big bangs, (or collisions of particles) is what the Collider does. It’s also what happens with nuclear weapons.

B. Another point is that these scientists are hugely instrumental in, and behind much of the structure of, our lives and our world today. Bohr, along with John Archibald Wheeler, developed nuclear fission. 

C. A third point is that the Establishment highlights other scientists, and provides a narrative that is at odds with facts, events, and discoveries. It is this narrative that becomes widely accepted as a norm and forms the basis of mainstream reality, and everyone’s ideas of what our History is.

D. On this site I present a different outlook, giving you an opportunity should you wish to grasp it, to form a fresh perspective on the past.

Rewriting History: Technology Flashback - Computers In Antiquity

Picture Ancient Rome – perhaps one thinks of caesars, centurions, sandals, standards, and of course roads and walls.

Now you can add computers, clockwork mechanisms, and astronomical charts  to those pictures of the Roman Empire in your mind’s eye:

mans evolution
Antikythera original

 Above is a picture of the Antikythera Mechanism.

 Over 2100 years old, it was constructed from brass and put inside a wooden container the size of a shoebox. It was discovered on the shipwreck of an Ancient Roman trading vessel near the Greek island of Antikythera.

It is now recognized as the earliest analog computer. It could track the seasons and festivals like the Ancient Olympics.

mans evolution
Antikythera cogs

 It had 37 gears with exactly fitting cogs. The amount of teeth in each cog is a prime number. It could accept an input, and produce an output. It tracked the Metonic Cycle.

It could predict solar as well as lunar eclipses.

Turning a hand crank would take you back or forward in time. The crank moved the gears which rotated a series of dials and rings inscribed with Greek zodiac signs, and Egyptian days of the week.

mans evolution

It had hands which could point to Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter, and a rotating ball showing phases of the moon. It’s planetary motion was accurate to within 1 degree in 500 years.

As you progress through this site digesting my re-evaluation of  the way History is traditionally presented, I will periodically insert  a “Flashback” like the above, to act as a sort of bas-relief.


Hodowanec, and Bill Ramsey, both based in the USA, are two people engaged in tracking Monopole Gravity Waves, and receiving communication from another planet. 

The waves travel at superluminal speed.

At the next level are waves which travel at 190 x light speed.

These are Torsion Waves.

Torsion Waves

Patrick Quanten MD: “Once we fully understand how matter is made from energy we will be a lot further in our comprehension of what things influence our life and health, and how it is done. It now appears as if we will not be able to fully understand the beginning of matter until we make ourselves familiar with the concept of torsion waves, amongst other things.”

Western scientists have been reluctant to recognize the term ‘aether’ to describe a universal energy. They are comfortable with terms like “zero point” or “dark matter”.

In 1900 Tesla uncovered a new energy form when he experimented with two spiral shaped wires. By feeding them with AC current in opposing phases he created a zero electromagnetic field, a ‘zero field’. The wires could now transmit energy over huge distances. 

Dr Nikolai Kozyrev

In the 1950's Russian astrophysicist Kozyrev had similar findings to Tesla, and researched Torsion Fields.The West rejects 'aetheric energy'. whilst happily referring to "quantum field".

Dr Harold Puthoff

Hal Puthoff is an exception. He recognizes ZPE, Zero Power Point. He liases with corporations, NASA, DoD, Intelligence agencies, advising on leading-edge tech.

To The Stars Academy

Dr Puthoff formed To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science. It is a public sector scientific community of interest in UAP. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, observed by the military.

Dr Richard Feynman

Developed atom bomb. One of USA's most famous scientists. Stated that the amount of quantum vacuum energy in a light bulb could boil all the water in the world's oceans

The New York Times has featured Dr Puthoff.

It informs us that he is a contractor/Senior Adviser to AATIP. 

This is the (Department of Defence) Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

It handles Unidentified Aerial Phenomena observed by United States military.


4000 BCE


3000 BCE - 500 CE

Ancient History

800 BCE - 600 CE

Classical Antiquity

200 CE - 600 CE

Post Classical History


Wikipedia : "The period between prehistory and history, during which a culture or civilization has not yet developed writing but other cultures have already noted its existence in their own writings"

Classification Flaws

Each year provides archaeological discoveries, and scientific tests which BLOW AWAY the classifications and findings of conventional history.


Gobekli Tepe

Case in point: A set of large stones in Turkey, dating back 11600 years in an area of hunter gatherers. Suddenly there is evidence of agriculture.



Undoubtedly there is presence of conflicting ideas. Graham Hancock suggests Technology arrived from Atlanteans. Establishment refutes this, Wiki labels it pseudoscience


What Happened?

Hancock:”Did a group of hunter gatherers wake up one morning, magically inspired…they suddenly knew how to cut and quarry stone?

"In The Next Few Minutes

I hope to change the way you think about the very nature of reality itself"

History Professor Greg Anderson, Tedx Talks

On MIndsets And Paradigms
mans evolution

This is a picture of Greg Anderson from a Tedx talk a few years ago. Here is his opening statement: “In the next few minutes I hope to change the way you think about the very nature of reality itself. I’m not a physicist and  I’m not a philosopher, I’m a historian; and after studying the ancient Greeks  and many other pre-modern peoples for more than 20 years as a professional, I’ve become convinced that they all lived in real worlds very different from our own. Now of course you and I here today, we take it for granted that there’s just one ultimate reality out  there, our reality. A fixed universal world of experience ruled by timeless laws of science and nature. But I want you to see things differently. I want you to see that humans have always lived in a pluriverse of many different worlds, not in a universe of just one; and if you’re willing to see this pluriverse of many worlds, it will fundamentally change, I hope, the way you think about the human past, and hopefully the present and the future as well.  Now let’s get started by asking three basic questions about the content of our reality…First, what is it that makes something real?..For us real things are material things..made of matter we can atoms, people, trees.


Per Month

By the same token invisible immaterial things like gods and demons, heavens and hells, these are considered unreal; subjective ideas that exist only in the realm of the mind. To be real a thing must exist objectively in some material form. Second: what are the most important things in our real world? Answer? Human things. People, cities, societies, cultures, governments, economies. Why?  Because we humans think we’re special. We think we’re the only creatures on the planet who have things like language, reason,  free will. By contrast, non human things to us are just parts of nature, a mere backdrop to human culture, a mere environment of things we feel entitled to use however we want. Third, what does it mean to be a human in our real world? It means being an individual, a person who lives ultimately for oneself, We think nature’s made us this way, giving each of us the reason, the right and the self interest to thrive and compete with other individuals for all of life’s important resources. But I suggest that this real world of ours is neither timeless nor universal. It’s just one of countless different real worlds that humans have experienced in history. What would another world look like? Let’s look at the world of the classical Athenians in Ancient Greece. We usually know the Athenians as our cultural ancestors, pineers of our western traditions: philosophy, democracy, drama. But their real world was nothing like our own. The real world of the Athenians was alive with things we would consider immaterial and thus unreal.


Per Month

 It pulsated with things like gods spirits , nymphs, fetes, curses, oaths, and all kinds of mysterious energies and magical forces. Indeed the most important things in their real world were not humans at all, but gods. Gods were awesome. Literally. They controlled all the things that made life possible: sunshine, rainfall, crop harvest, childbirth, personal health, family wealth, sea voyages, battlefield victories. There were over 200 gods in Athens. They were not remote detached divinities watching over human affairs from afar. They were really there, immediately there in experience, living in temples, attending sacrifices, mingling with the Athenians at their festivals, banquets and dances. In the real world of the Athenians humans did not live apart from nature; their lives were dictated by the rhythms of the seasons and by the life cycles of crops and animals. Indeed the land of the Athenians itself was not just a piece of property or territory, it was a living goddess, that had once given birth to the first Athenians and had nurtured and cared for all of their  descendants ever since, with her precious gifts of soils, stone water and crops. There were no individuals – Athenians were inseparable from their families. Families were expected to live and work together as a single body, like cells of a living organism. They called this social body Demos, the people, and they called their way of life Democratia. 

Rewriting History: Sociology Flashback - Democracy In Antiquity

It was nothing like our modern democracy. Athenians were not born to be individuals living for themselves. They were born to serve and preserve their families and the social body that had given them life in the first place. Nature had programmed them to live as one. It designed them to coexist and collaborate with all manner of non-human beings; especially their 200 gods and their divine Earth motherl Life in Athens was sustained by a symbiotic cosmic ecology of gods, motherland, and people. 

To us today their world looks strange, weird, bizarre, unreal. But it has many major things in common with the real world experienced by other pre modern peoples including Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Chinese, and peoples of pre colonial Peru, Mexico, India Bali, Hawaii. In all of those pre modern worlds gods controlled all the conditions of existence. Non humans were always expected to collaborate with humans, and vice versa. Humans were expected to serve their communities not to live for themselves as individuals. In the grand scheme of history, it’s our real world, our reality that is the exception to the rule – the exotic one, the strange one. 

 .Only in our real world is reality itself a purely material order, and non humans subordinate to humans, and humans are born to be individuals. Our real world was shaped and forged in a unique environment, a historically unprecedented environment in early modern Europe with it’s scientific revolution, it’s Enlightenment, it’s novel experimental capitalist way of life. Despite this uniqueness we take it for granted that our reality is the one true reality, that all humans in history have lived in only our real world. Think of the colossal arrogance of this assumption. Basically we’re saying ‘We modern Westerners are right about reality and everybody else in all of history is wrong.’ All of those extraordinary civilisations in the past  were just lucky accidents because they were all founded on nothing more than myth, illusions and false ideas about reality. We think our modern sciences provide the only truly objective  knowledge of reality. BUT DO THEY? For more than 100 years now the very idea of an objective reality has been seriously and continually questioned by experts in many different fields, from Physics and Biology to Philosophy. These experts would suggest the reality is not simply a material order given to us by nature. It is something humans actively participate in producing when their minds interact with their environments.”


To be completed

To be completed

Melina Albrecht

Founder, TingTong


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